News & Events

Research at the University of Northampton

  EMPAC is pleased to be able to showcase some of the research activities taking place at the University of Northampton, led by Professor Matthew Callender, Professor of Interdisciplinary Social Studies and Director of the Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice. The research is wide ranging, so sit back and allow…

EMSOU Undergraduate Internships 2024-2025

Would you relish the challenge of working for the policing unit that deals with some of the most serious, organised, and violent criminals in the East Midlands region?  The East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU), based near M1 Junction 27,  is offering exciting opportunities for up to six people on…

Using virtual volunteers to accelerate policing ideas

Dr Martin Wright, Visiting Fellow at the International Centre for Policing and Security in the University of South Wales, has pioneered a great new way of enabling university students to dynamically contribute their creativity towards policing innovation. Dr Wright is to be congratulated on overcoming previous barriers, not only across…

Research on improving forensic investigation of mobile phone data

The University of Nottingham has been awarded United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) funding to develop a new way to increase investigative forensic capability, by better harnessing mobile phone data. The interdisciplinary team is Professor Derek McAuley, Assistant Professor Helena Webb, Senior Research Fellow Liz Dowthwaite and Research Fellow Anna-Maria…

Exploring Intelligence Driven Policing

EMPAC’s John Coxhead has been invited to contribute to the international West Coast Security Conference in Vancouver in November, which is  sponsored by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Amongst other things he will draw attention to the demise of the strategic intelligence function within law enforcement, and the fundamental, and…

Stepping up: Collaborative Adaptive Learning (CAL)

Policing is under immense pressure and scrutiny. It’s little wonder that within that pressure there is a noticeable trend towards punitive and authoritarian interventions: in other words systemised blame. Bringing errors to account and punishing them is a natural tendency, but the problem with that blunt instrument is that it…

Using research to improve policing performance

Policing has a quandary. With a limited budget, with never enough resources or enough time to do everything asked of it, it also has to keep everyone happy all the time. It is scrutinised from every direction, via formal performance metrics and the court of public opinion. It is then…

Child abuse experts needed for new Derby research

As part of a new collaboration between two European Union funded projects, PRIORITY and 2PS Project, Professor of Criminological Psychology, Nicholas Blagden, at the University of Derby, is seeking to invite child abuse experts to assist with new research. The aim is to gather a group of child sexual abuse…

Policing 5.0

Professor John Coxhead (who works with EMPAC, as part of the East Midlands Special Operations Unit, and the Universities of East London, Loughborough, Manchester Metropolitan and Wales) was invited to speak at the World Police Summit, hosted in Dubai in 2023, and one of the topics presented was research about…

EMPAC research on policing accountability at national conference

EMPAC is presenting key new research on public accountability in policing at the Public Policy Exchange Conference, on the 11th May. Alongside EMPAC will be House of Lords Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, Dr Rick Muir of the Police Foundation and Dr Mike Rowe of the University of Liverpool. Following the…