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Epidemiological enquiry and the absence of crime

Amongst the Peelian principles in the establishing of the professional police in the nineteenth century, the notion that the police should be judged not upon their arrests but upon the absence of crime seems to have been somewhat forgotten. It may be worse than the principle has simply been forgotten…

Future Policing Operating Environment 2040

In The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World (1996), by Peter Schwartz, we are introduced to futurist scenario panning. Schwartz recounts how Herman Kahn, then Pierre Wack and Ted Newland, developed scenario planning from the post World War II era, into the art…

Community Resilience research

Dr Dan Sage, Dr Chris Zebrowski and Nina Jorden (Loughborough University) are leading on UK Cabinet Office supported research on Enhancing the use of Resilience Direct in the Covid-19 response: a comparative analysis of Local Resilience Forums. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), who are part of…

Spotlight on EMPAC experts: Professor Rob McCusker

Professor Rob McCusker is a new EMPAC Senior Research Fellow, bringing with him substantial expertise in understanding serious organised crime, particularly in a transnational context. Rob is the former Transnational Crime Analyst for the Australian Institute of Criminology, a statutory research agency within the Minister for Justice’s portfolio, which involved…

University of Nottingham Undergraduate Internships

The East Midlands Specialist Operations Unit (EMSOU) is one of the largest collaborative policing units in the country, delivering specialist capabilities on behalf of the five East Midlands police forces. EMSOU focuses on intelligence gathering and the disruption and investigation of Serious and Organised Crime (SOC) with services including covert…

EMPAC welcomes Senior Research Fellow Dave Hill

EMPAC has had considerable success in the past promoting and developing Fellows, to encourage practitioner research. Now, EMPAC has appointed the first of its Honorary Senior Research Fellows to help support our wider networks and to accelerate policing innovation, using proven experts in their field. Senior Research Impact Fellow Dave…

EMPAC’s first Research Cafe, at Leicestershire Police HQ, stimulated a lot of new connections and showed it really is good to talk. And some coffee and cake helps too! Thanks are due to the organising of Chief Inspector Dan Pedley and Graham Pickering in helping bring people together.  The event…

New qualitative research on front-line police work with the bereaved

EMPAC is pleased to report on a new qualitative study at the University of Nottingham in an under-researched topic – how police professionals interact with the bereaved.   Breaking bad news   Police officers deal with death on a daily basis as part of their everyday work. This includes the…

Spotlight on EMPAC experts: Daniel Ash

This time, we feature Daniel Ash, who is our EMPAC SPOC (single point of contact) at the University of Northampton. Danny is a great example of a ‘pracademic’ – someone who has worked in professional practice and also conducted research. He spent over 20 years as a police officer with…

Offer to participate: critical incident research on policing Covid-19

Professor Ken Pease (University College, London) is interested in carrying out critical incident technique  research about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on policing. The intention is to cross compare this UK based research with parallel research in Italy. The proposed work seeks to capture front-line policing experience in a…