Articles by timkeay

Northants PCC publishes independent Stop and Search review

Northants Police and Crime Commissioner has published Duwayne Brooks’ independent review into Stop and Search reform in Northants Police. Northants Police held a consultation into the perceptions and views of communities around the use of Stop and Search powers in January 2014. As a result, the following changes were made to…

28 forces attend Special Constables event at Northants Police HQ

Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner Adam Simmonds, on the 25th January 2016 hosted officials from 28 police forces across the England and Wales at Northants Police HQ for an event showcasing their Special Constables strategy. Speakers at the event included, PCC Adam Simmonds, Kathryn Buckle, Luke Harkin (marketing and recruitment), Kate…

EMPAC Programme Manager appointed

After a recruitment panel undertaken at Nottingham University, Supt. Dave Hill has been appointed to the role of EMPAC Programme Manager. This important role is responsible for maintaining communication between the networks and the Strategic Governance Group and Board of Governors. As Programme Manager, Dave will also coordinate EMPAC’s strategy and oversee the…

Northants OPCC publishes police fire integration report

Northamptonshire’s Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has published a report into the future of emergency services integration in the county. The report, titled Bluelights: Police Fire Integration in Northamptonshire details the achievements towards integration so far, before setting out future aims. The steps taken so far include: Northants Fire and…

EMPAC goes live!

The East Midlands Policing Academic Collaboration (EMPAC) has been successful in its bid for funding from the College of Policing (COP) and the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The research leads for the five networks that make up EMPAC have met and agreed the areas of policing to…