Articles by John Coxhead

EMPAC Fellows begin!

EMPAC Fellows have had their Christmas welcome at Nottingham Trent University and now the hard work begins! Amy Rutland of Leicestershire Police, who worked with Loughborough University, as EMPAC’s first Fellow, told the new cohort that it was a “great opportunity to have an evidence base and be heard”. Coming from a diversity…

The Need for Greater Collaboration and Big Ambition

Earlier this week I attended a workshop involving representatives from across the police-academic collaborations funded by the College of Policing, Home Office and HEFCE Police Knowledge Fund. Hosted by the University of York which leads ‘Connect, Evidence Based Policing’, this workshop brought together academics, police officers and police staff building…

Professor Simon Holdaway discusses ‘Evidence Based Policing’

EMPAC welcomes contributions from academics and practitioners (and joint ones) about policing research. Here, we’re grateful to Professor of Criminology, Simon Holdaway, for submitting a discussion piece about Evidence Based Policing and its meaning(s). As with all blogs we feature, the purpose is to provoke healthy discussion so we look forward…

Research intelligence = intelligent research

EMPAC took its original inspiration from SIPR (Scottish Institute of Policing Research) and was created in an embryonic form by ACC Phil Kay of Leicestershire Police and Peter Ward, Head of East Midlands Learning and Development. Drawing key academics from the region together the collaboration was born, then further aided…

The importance of impact in policing research

The purpose of this piece is to provoke discussion and help accelerate the evolution of policing research, so we look forward to your views! Perhaps firstly, to set a few fundamental points down before discussing the pivotal importance of impact in policing research. These fundamentals are of importance because, if…

EMPAC Symposium on Human Trafficking at Loughborough University

EMPAC is proud to announce a key event, supported by the Police Knowledge Fund, on a critical issue for policing. Human Trafficking in the UK: Challenges and Implications for Policing is a free event, to be held at Loughborough University on January 20th from 9:00am until  3:30pm. Key note contributors…

Lincoln EMPAC Symposium triumph

The University of Lincoln hosted a joint EMPAC / SEBP event with Lincolnshire Police on 31st October, with a sell out attendance, including chief officers and Police and Crime Commissioners. This hugely significant event will now operate as a trailblazer to influence wider change across the EMPAC region. Professor Matthew…

Loughborough Symposium on policing research

The Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University is holding a one day symposium on Wednesday 16th November 2016. The focus is on ‘Policing violence: risk and resources’. The purpose is to share policing-related research conducted by researchers from across Loughborough University. Sessions will include effective understanding, and policing, of violence applied to…

Become an EMPAC Fellow

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE FOR APPLYING FOR AN EMPAC FELLOWSHIP HAS NOW PASSED.   There has been much excited interest in Fellowships and we are pleased to announce that EMPAC has opened its Fellowship programme and applicants are now invited to apply. Fellowships open up an extra opportunity for anyone…

Feature: EMPAC is a Research, Innovation and Enterprise zone

Research, Innovation and Enterprise are central to what policing in the East Midlands is all about. EMSOU has been hailed as the best example of collaborative working of its type in the UK. Now, EMPAC is actively researching in several areas to discover new ways of doing things or responding…