Articles by John Coxhead

University of Leicester event on hate and mental health – 1st May 2018

EMPAC is pleased to report that the University of Leicester’s Wellbeing Matters campaign and the Centre for Hate Studies came together to discuss hate crime and mental health on the 1st May.   Hate driven behaviour is typically expressed through acts of hostility and violence where victims are targeted specifically because of their…

Innovation and Enterprise at the University of Nottingham

The Haydn Green Institute (HGI) at Nottingham University Business School is among Europe’s leading centres for enterprise education and a focus for entrepreneurial skills development. Simon Mosey, is Professor of  Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Director of the Centre. He is editor of the Journal of Technology Transfer and his research interests include technology…

Wellbeing Matters event at Lincolnshire Police HQ – 3rd May 2018

As part of the new East Midlands Police and Crime Research and Development Plan, priority areas for research action are starting to be identified and initial events to scope development planned. The first of these surrounds the topic of ‘wellbeing’. The drive for this particular event – a roundtable discussion…

Knowledge Exchange

Back in 2012, the Wilson Review (A Review of Business-University Collaboration, 2012) encouraged universities to work closer with outside agencies and business to develop better public outcomes for the UK.  Now Professor Trevor McMillan of Keele University is leading a cross-university development group for the UK Government on what’s next…

Neophiliac policing

EMPAC is keen on driving innovation in policing, so we want to let you know about new work on the innovation mindset. It provokes an interesting debate about were policing sits on the innovation spectrum: lagging behind, somewhere in the middle or right out front? And where it might be…

Derby academic’s research on assessing domestic abuse harm

University of Derby lecturer Joanna Adhikari has been researching identifying risk of harm in domestic abuse, in particular the assessment of impulsivity and aggression and their contribution to risk in domestic abuse. This research was completed working with Dr Paul Smith and Dr Sue Elmer from Leeds Trinity University. EMPAC…

Policing at the Edge: change agents needed!

The Edge is a free social platform committed to finding, sharing, curating and creating the boldest and most innovative new ideas in public services. The NHS have created an explorable library of content designed to incite and inspire fresh thought: new ways of solving old problems, news ways of realising…

The science of management of risk in law enforcement

Policing is a risky business: fact! Having to make tough and dynamic decisions, to do the right thing, in ambiguity and uncertainty is all part of everyday policing. Following several enquiries from academic researchers and indeed some policing professionals, here is some information about the management of risk. Firstly let’s…

Modern Slavery Multi-Agency Working

EMPAC is supporting the development of a new regional Police and Crime Research and Development Plan, led by PCC Hardyal Dhindsa and DCC Craig Naylor (see more about that plan here  Within that, the idea is to have regional thematic workstreams that are targeting risk, threat and harm (and…

EMPAC award for Sgt Mark Brennan and Leicestershire Police team

EMPAC is proud to report its first ever award for making an outstanding contribution to improving policing through research. The recipients are Sgt Mark Brennan and his team at Leicester Police. Mark has been driving the involvement of policing personnel at Leicestershire in research and operational problem solving for several…