Understanding Demand, Capability & Capacity, 15th March 2019

All forces and partners are seeking to better understand demand, capability, and capacity. This is critical work to help inform Force Management Statements and ensure future capability. Forces in the East Midlands are coming together at Nottingham Trent University on the 15th March, 2019, with academic researchers to discuss the best way to do just that.

EMPAC held a previous Roundtable in 2018 about Understanding Demand and this new forum is building on that previous work. You can read all about the previous activity (and you can get involved in the future work now too!) :- https://empac.org.uk/demand-capability-capacity-understanding-demand-roundtable-6th-june-2018/

Of particular interest now is what IT is being used, and what impact improved knowledge has had on front-line policing. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary is also interested in scoping out the potential of:

-Forecasting demand

-Risk assessment of demand and capacity/capability

-Undertaking effective self-assessment

-Evaluating impact of change/initiatives

-Scenario modelling

EMPAC is keen to bring practitioners together with academic researchers to review emerging practice and support Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in developing guidance about best practice in each of these areas.

Although we will begin with ‘where are we now’ in terms of current practice, the ambition of this forum is to scope out a far more proactive exploration of future public demand, with its consequential implications for the police and other partners, such as Fire, Ambulance, Health, Community Safety Partnerships, Youth Offending, Probation, Youth Service, Voluntary Sector, Business etc. The intention is to inform a futurological PESTLE map for the region by tapping into the expertise of a myriad of academic researchers straddling a number of disciplines, including Economics, Social Geography, Politics, Social Policy, Sociology, Business, Technology and Criminology.

The ambition is also not just to understand demand but to seek to influence future demand; to help break the all too common cycle of reactive demand and its costly ‘revolving doors’, by informing prevention.

The intended agenda is:

Welcome and Introductions – Dr Becky Thompson & Supt Mark Housley

2.       Purpose of the Day

3.       Academic Perspective – Dr Rowena Hill

4.       Force Perspective – ALL (5 mins each)

5.       National Perspective

Questions for Round Table Discussion:

Current and Future Practice

·       Forecasting demand

·       How do we begin to understand capacity

·       How to understand the demand that informs capability required

·       Risk assessment of demand and capacity/capability

·       Undertaking effective self-assessment

·       Evaluating impact of change/initiatives

·       Scenario modelling

6.       What Next and Close

This free event will run from 10.30 am -1 pm at Nottingham Trent University. If you are interested in joining in, please contact: mark.housley@lincs.pnn.police.uk

STOP PRESS – this event is now full! BUT follow-up events will be organised and advertised!


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