Research Roundup: a one minute briefing

Here is the latest for July 2024

East Midlands Forensics Network 

The East Midlands Forensics Network invite interested parties to help new co-produced research in the following thematic areas:-

  • Forensic Genetics and DNA
  • Jury Decision Making
  • Fingerprints and Marks
  • Crime Scene Examination
  • Fire and Explosion Investigation
  • Questioned Documents
  • Biological Fluids and BPA
  • Drugs and Toxicology
  • Fibres, Glass and other traces
  • Footwear Marks; and Firearms and Ballistics

If you want to get involved in this important work contact Dr Jo Dawkins at

EMPAC conferences & media 

EMPAC’s Professor John Coxhead is presenting at an NPCC conference, hosted by Staffordshire University on 12th July 2024, about the need to understand organised crime business models. John’s work on a new policing manifesto to be adopted post 4th July 2024, has also been featured in a Labour election publication through his work at Oxon Advisory:-

East Midland runner up in the National Innovation in Policing competition

Loughborough University engineering student William Butler has designed a new style of lightweight body armour vest and his idea has received national recognition, with him winning second place in the annual Innovation in Policing competition.

William used ANSYS Explicit Dynamics non-linear solver to simulate tests to develop ballistic protection via a ceramic armour plate technology using interlocking hexagonal plates. The new vest protects its wearer by 67% area coverage more than previous models.  

The innovation competition winner for 2023 was Dr Martin Wright, working with South Wales Police, on virtual volunteering.

The national event is now open for new entries – well done to William and here’s to a future EM region winner in 2024!

EMPAC’s current commissioned research

Professor John Coxhead (Loughborough University & Staffordshire University) is working on several local, regional, national and international projects currently:

  • Supporting Leicestershire Police on managing serious acquisitive crime nominals, to reduce recidivism
  • Supporting Lincolnshire Police on resource allocation and funding formula analysis
  • Supporting EM OPCCs
  • Supporting solution orientated policing growth in Calgary, Canada and Mumbai, India

His most recent publications are:-

  • A new book chapter on ‘Evaluating tactics for public order policing: the case of Orgreave in the Miners’ strike of 1984′, in Critical issues and Global Perspective in Policing (Volume 2) (Eds. Albrecht, J. & den Heyer, G.) (2024) Springer, New York 
  • A new policing manifesto for the forthcoming General Election (Police Professional Journal, June 2024)
  • A new book chapter ‘Rural Appeal: the eye of the beholder’ in Policing Rural Crime (editor Professor Wendell Wallace, University of West Indies) Bristol University Press (2024)
  • A new book chapter co-authored with Dr Robert Smith about the policing of criminal activities by gangs using e bikes, (editor Professor Garth den Heyer, Arizona State University)


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