News & Events

Spotlight on Loughborough University research

Loughborough is in the top 4 of the 2020 Guardian’s rankings, with thriving campuses at Loughborough and London, and over 18,000 students. Their applied research is world-leading, pioneering modern optics and laser technology, and producing extensive police-related outputs including:-  applications in digital policing, led by Professor Peter Kawalek; demand management,…

Derbyshire cadets win national recognition

Crimebeat is the national youth crime prevention charity of the High Sheriffs’ Association and each year an awards ceremony is held to recognise the most innovative and successful crime prevention projects carried out by young people (aged up to 25 years old). You can read more about Crimebeat and the…

Community resilience during COVID-19

EMPAC is pleased to report here on new social scientific research that is certainly stepping up to the challenge facing us all because of the COVID -19 pandemic. Superintendent Mark Housley of Lincolnshire Police, who leads on EMPAC’s workstream on understanding demand is using a survey to understand community cohesion…

Update on violence reduction research

The University of Leicester secured research funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to establish a Violence Reduction Information Network (VRIN) to support East Midlands police services and beyond. VRIN is part of the University of Leicester Centre for Hate studies, which integrates three core hubs (1) Violence…

Transdisciplinarity in policing research: the horizontal nexus

Professor Alexander Dunlop Lindsay, once Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford, was vocal about the limitations of academic disciplines digging themselves into vertical furrows, in the pursuance of ‘more and more about less and less’. It is that very single-track partisanship of the specificity of individual disciplines that EMPAC challenges…

Understanding Demand: research and innovation workstream

EMPAC’s focus on understanding demand has been jointly led by Superintendent Mark Housley (Lincolnshire Police), Dr Rowena Hill (Nottingham Trent University), Strategic Analysis Manager Kate Hemstock (Derbyshire Constabulary) and Professor Peter Kawalek (Loughborough University). This thematic forum brings together representatives across the whole region to work together, share challenges, best…

New analyst posts at Northamptonshire Police

EMPAC is pleased to report that Northamptonshire Police are recruiting for two new analysts. The first one is a Research and Evaluation Analyst and the second is a Strategy and Engagement Analyst. Both jobs can be applied for via the link below:- EMPAC wishes anyone applying the best of…

Violence Reduction Information Network for the East Midlands

EMPAC is pleased to report on a Violence Reduction Information Network (VRIN) being developed in the region, hosted at the University of Leicester.  Following on from the announcement of a successful bid to the ESRC IAA Strategic fund last year, the University of Leicester is making good progress in setting…

Democratising knowledge: the impossible dream?

In this digital age many feel they are saturated with data; and it’s not always good data. We have ever increasing sources it’s true and 5G will grow that volume even more. We have so-called fake news, real news, fake facts, real facts, my evidence and your evidence. There’s a…

Exploratory research looks forward

There has been a lot of focus, through ‘what works’,  on experimental research methods. Such approaches are confirmatory – in that they look to prove or disprove a point through large data sets using randomised control trials for example. These make a very important contribution, to objectively justify investment or…