Leicester EBP event 24th March 2017

What is Evidence Based Policing and how can it help me?


EMPAC is proud to announce a new event that showcases extensive work done in Leicestershire. Sgt Mark Brennan is a key figure in driving the implementation of evidence based policing and is to be congratulated on assembling a wide variety of speakers.

You are encouraged to attend to hear ab0ut innovative practice and be inspired by what is being achieved in Leicestershire. The event is titled ‘What is Evidence Based Policing and how can it help me?’ and is being hosted at Stamford Court, University of Leicester, Manor Road, Oadby LE2 2LH on the 24th March 2017.

For further information contact Sgt Mark Brennan – mark.brennan@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk


9:30 – 10:15     – What is Evidence Based Policing? How can it help me?

                              Dr Matt Ashby – Nottingham Trent University

10:15 – 10:45   – Break

10:45 – 1:00     – Academic and Police Officer/Staff Breakout Sessions

Academic Breakout Sessions

Evaluation of Project 360, Early Intervention in Repeat Cases of Domestic Abuse – Dr Martin Koppensteiner & Dr Jesse Matheson, University of Leicester.

How does alcohol affect the amount & accuracy of information given by sexual assault complainants? – Dr Heather Flowe, Dr Caron Walpole and Prof. Paul Downward – Loughborough University.

The Impact of Body Worn Video on Domestic Abuse Outcomes. – Catherine Owens, College of Policing

What is Predictive Policing? What could we predict? – Dr Lisa Jackson, Loughborough University

How far do one-off/repeat missing people travel when they go missing?  Dr Susan Giles & Lauren Walter, Liverpool University.

How effective can sport interventions be in reducing youth crime and anti-social behaviour? – Dr Carolynne Mason, Loughborough University

What techniques can police use to increase public engagement via social media? – Dr Miriam Fernandez, Open University

How wellbeing is prioritized in a rank based organization – Jamie Ferrill, Loughborough University & Claire Davis, Nottingham Trent University.

Police Breakout Sessions

The interactions between police and NGOs in relation to modern slavery – PC Amy Rutland.

Drugs and Violence in the Night Time Economy – PS Liz Perry

Adopting a Harm Based approach within Leicestershire Police – Jonathan White

Evaluating the “Never 2 Late” Project – PS Julie Strong & PCSO Gill Edwards

Using Evidence Based Policing to tackle a Shoplifting Problem – PS Yusuf Nagdi

International Perspectives of Mental Health Street Triage: How could this benefit Leicestershire Police? – Martin Hocking

Evidence Based Approaches to Improve Force Processes & Policy – PS Gurpreet Mulley/PC Mo Behl

1:00 – 2:00        – Lunch

2:00 – 3:15        – What are the findings of Evidence Based Policing?

Professor Lawrence Sherman, Cambridge University



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