Loughborough University
Loughborough Design School
Specialist area(s) of research:
Driving Ergonomics – driving cab/workspace design, impact of PPE and belts, ingress/egress from vehicles, driving seat comfort, posture analysis, anthropometry
Link(s) to research relevant to policing/public safety:
Gyi, D.E. and Porter, J.M., ”Musculoskeletal troubles and driving: a survey of British police officers”, Occupational Medicine, 48(3), 1998, pp 153-160, ISSN 0962-7480.
Porter, J.M. and Gyi, D.E., ”Exploring the optimum posture for driver comfort”, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 19(3), 1998, pp 255-266, ISSN 0143-3369.
Marshall, S. and Gyi, D.E., ”Evidence of health risks from occupational sitting. Where do we stand?”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 39(4), 2010, p389-391.
Email address:
+44 1509 223043