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Working together on serious organised crime

  Serious Organised Crime (SOC) costs the UK at least £37 billion annually. In the East Midlands region, the East Midlands Special Operations Unit (EMSOU) is working closely with all relevant academic departments within De Montfort University (DMU) to deliver against the national Serious Organised Crime Strategy and to get…

DMU undergraduate policing research

There are some who regard undergraduate dissertations as not ‘proper research’ but we at EMPAC see a lot of benefit for lots of reasons. Many of the dissertation writers are exploring a possible career in policing and they often focus their attention on ‘real-world’ professional issues, that offer genuine ‘new…

FMS Demand-Understanding Locations: 28th February 2020

Forces have been under pressure to are under pressure to respond to increasing demand with fewer resources, and account for their efforts through Force Management Statements (FMS). Now,  policing professionals and and academic researchers are increasingly working together to break out beyond the reactive cycle and get ‘upstream’ to reduce…

EMPAC refreshes research priorities for 2020

The East Midlands Police Academic Collaboration has refreshed its proactive research priorities ready for an exciting year in 2020. EMPAC’s strategic leads are Derbyshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Hardyal Dhindsa, and Deputy Chief Constable Rachel Swann, on behalf of the East Midlands region. Our proactive priorities for policing research and…

Questions and more questions!

Much research starts with a question. But getting to the right question can be one of the many challenges of good research. We all know despite having more data readily available at our finger tips than ever before in human history the old maxim you get the answers you deserve,…

Force Management Statement workshop: 23rd October 2019

As part of an ongoing series of free events to support Force Management Statements (FMS), specifically around Understanding Demand, Capacity and Capability, EMPAC is pleased to announce that Nottingham Trent University will be hosting a fourth event between 2pm and 4pm on Wednesday, 23rd October 2019. The purpose is to…

Police and researchers to tackle knife crime together

As well as targeted additional funding from the Home Office to various forces, including Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire in our region, the University of Leicester has been successful in bidding for Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funding too, to tackle violence and the use of weapons. This means policing professionals…

Celebrating high impact research for Nottingham Custody

Queen may have wanted to break free but the facilities at a new Nottingham custody suite are attracting admiring visitors from all over the UK!  EMPAC Fellow Police Inspector Duncan Collins and Dr Chloe Hollow of the University of Nottingham have been co-producing research and innovation all about improving the…

NTU Centre for Cyberpsychology

EMPAC is pleased to report in on a Centre at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) that specialises in cyberpsychology, and is on its way to being a world leader in its field. if you’re looking for expertise in cyberpsychology, look no further! More and more of us spend time in this…

Serious and organised crime research priorities 2019-2021

EMPAC aims to push its work on serious organised crime (SOC), aligned to the Home Office’s 2019-2021 strategic aim to increase capacity and capability through research, which is led by Mike Warren, the Director of Home Office Analysis and Insight. EMPAC is already busy around various aspects of SOC, such…