Articles by John Coxhead

Human Factors in Cybersecurity

Dr Lee Hadlington of De Montfort University has published new open access EMPAC research in Heliyon (Vol. 3, Issue 7, July 2017). The research explored the relationship between risky cybersecurity behaviours, attitudes towards cybersecurity in a business environment, Internet addiction, and impulsivity. 538 participants in part-time or full-time employment in…

VIDEO: University of Derby research updates from Professor Kevin Brampton

Supported by funding through the Home Office (College of Policing) and Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE), EMPAC was able to sponsor a number of institutions, including the University of Derby, via the national Police Knowledge Fund (PKF) to carry out topical enquiries. Professor Kevin Brampton reports in here on some…

BLOG/VIDEO: Policing Rural Crime

Professor Kevin Bampton reports in on work to critically explore the policing of rural crime. One of the reasons for ongoing work in this field – pardon the pun – is the relative lack of significant studies which focus on how we think about rural crime and what we think…

Spotlight on EMPAC Fellows

EMPAC would like to celebrate its Fellows by offering some insights into what they’re up to – hearing all about them may encourage other practitioners out there to be a part of research too. EMPAC Fellowships are an innovative way of developing our policing organisations and staff at the same…

Bayes’ Theorem and policing

Professor Ken Pease, of University College London and former Home Office Researcher, discusses the contribution of Bayes to contemporary policing. Home Office Research Unit Forty-seven years ago I started work in the Home Office Research Unit and I have spent all the intervening years researching crime and justice, in one…

Lincolnshire trial Professional Viva model

  EMPAC Fellows, the chief officer team and the Police and Crime Commissioner from Lincolnshire Police together with representatives of the University of Lincoln have hosted a new venture, and one with the potential for a regional roll-out. Lincolnshire have established quite a track record in innovation and this latest…

Domestic Harassment: new Loughborough research findings

EMPAC is proud to publish a summary of Loughborough University’s new research on domestic harassment, which has been sponsored via the Home Office and HEFCE’s Police Knowledge Fund. For the full report click the following link: Characteristics of reports of the disclosure of private images and social media-enabled domestic harassment offences…

Research in a complex world

EMPAC is promoting the use of a model developed by the U.S. Army War College during the Cold War. Why you may ask! The conditions faced by policing and researchers now share a similar environment, of complexity and ambiguity: a situation VUCA was developed to help manage. EMPAC, driven by…

Leicester EBP event 24th March 2017

What is Evidence Based Policing and how can it help me?   EMPAC is proud to announce a new event that showcases extensive work done in Leicestershire. Sgt Mark Brennan is a key figure in driving the implementation of evidence based policing and is to be congratulated on assembling a wide…

EMPAC Fellowship Progress

EMPAC fellows have set hard to work after their Christmas Welcome Event. Fellows gathered at the Policing Institute at the University of Derby on the 10th January for a workshop introduction to research and evidence based practice.   EMPAC Fellows have a very diverse set of backgrounds. They range across…