A roundtable is set for the 26th March to help identify policing research needs into modern slavery for the region. This involves bringing people with common interests together so that a team approach can be more targeted and structured in research planning. In turn, the theme of modern slavery, a topic of high priority right across the region, will feature in the new East Midlands Police and Crime Research and Development Plan – see here for more information: https://empac.org.uk/east-midlands-police-crime-research-development/
There are several academics in the EMPAC region who are researching aspects of modern slavery. These include:
-Dr Nicola Wright, Assistant Professor in Mental Health in Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham. Nicola develops mental health awareness and skills for people experiencing distress, with an application for modern slavery.
-Dr Alison Gardner, Assistant Professor of Local Governance and Anti-Slavery Policy, within Culture, Languages and Area Studies a the University of Nottingham.leads the slavery-free communities’ project, which looks at how place can be made more resilient against slavery. Alison has also previously worked with the Office of the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner to map anti-slavery multi-agency partnerships across the uk – click here for more information: (ou) and developing a partnership toolkit.
– Zoe Trodd is a Professor in the Department of American and Canadian Studies at the University of Nottingham; Director of University’s Rights Lab , a university Beacon of Excellence; and Co-Director of the university’s research priority area in Rights and Justice. Her focus is strategies for ending slavery, across history and today.
-Dr Andrea Nicholson, of the Rights Lab in Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham. Andrea leads the survivor’s solution project, analysing survivor narratives to identify issues around freedom, trauma, identity and recovery. As well as working locally with Nottinghamshire Police, she is also linked to the National Safeguarding lead in the Modern Slavery Police Transformation Unit who are looking at how the police can improve their responses to victims in ABE and NRM interviewing. Andrea is keen to develop best practice in the EMPAC region.
-Dr Alexander Trautrims, of Nottingham University Business School. Alexander’s work looks at risk assessing supply chains, for example in car washes. The approach uses simulation modelling and the use of game theory on modern slavery topics.
-Professor Dave Walsh, of De Montfort University, has carried out extensive work with the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority, including developing professional training packages for professionals. Dave continues to supervise PhD students, such as Laura Pajon, on the topic of modern slavery and there is interest amongst that research cohort to travel out and support police forces in developing effective multi-agency partnerships – the approach is explained in detail here: https://empac.org.uk/modern-slavery-multi-agency-working/
The March roundtable will focus on the research needs of policing, informed by risk, threat and harm analysis priority setting. Given the complexity of modern slavery there is recognition that the issues require multi-agency working, with other blue light services, CDRPs, NGOs and the business sector.
Policing professionals, such as Detective Inspector Harry Dick, will attend the roundtable to represent the regional policing lead, ACC Chris Haward, at the Rights Lab as well as EMPAC university SPOCs, including Assistant Professor Kerry Clamp (Nottingham) and Professor Dave Walsh (DMU), to help get the best for the region, by coordinating the cross discipline and cross institution approach EMPAC seeks in the best interest of public service innovation and delivery.
Anyone interested in attending should contact the host coordinator, Jacqui Clay, Programme Coordinator, The Rights Lab, University of Nottingham.