University of Northampton tackles Firearms Crime, Trafficking and Terrorism

EMPAC is pleased to report on the launch of the University of Northampton’s new Centre for the Reduction of Firearms Crime, Trafficking and Terrorism.

This new research centre aims to respond to these threats by conducting research, consultancy and related activities that address emerging issues and respond to the needs of policymakers and law enforcement agencies working in related fields all over the world.

The new Centre will be holding an event on Monday 5th February between 11.30am-4.30pm at the Park Inn, Northampton NN1 2TA


12.30pm – Welcome: Professor Simon Denny, Executive Dean: Research, Impact and Enterprise.
12.40 – Welcome from the Institute of Public Safety Crime and Justice: Dr Laura Knight, Director
12.50 – Introduction to the Centre for the Reduction of Firearms Crime, Trafficking and Terrorism: Dr Helen Poole, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Health and Society & Head of Centre
13.00 – Keynote: The UN Office on Drugs and Crimes Firearms Programme – Paul Ianovici
13.20 – Developing a Teacher’s Guide for a Global Curriculum on Firearms – Professor Ed Laurance, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
13.30 – Lunch
14.20 – Keynote: Interpol Firearms Programme – John Hageman, Interpol Firearms Programme Coordinator
14.40 – Keynote: New Challenges to Sanctions Investigations of Illicit Arms Trafficking – Adrian Wilkinson, Arms Expert, Panel of Experts for Yemen, UN Security Council 2140 (2015) Sanctions Committee
15.00 – Break
15.30 – Keynote: Critical Social Science Research on Firearms: Contributions to Policy and Public Safety – Professor Peter Squires, University of Brighton
16.00 – Roundtable discussion: Professor Ed Laurance, Martin Parker NABIS, John Hageman Interpol, Associate Professor Dr Rachel Bolton-King, Professor Peter Squires
16.30 – Close

For more information and to attend, please contact: David Stevens, Communications Officer: Press & PR, Marketing and International Relations Team,
University of Northampton Tel: 01604 893286


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