Loughborough University
School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences
Specialist area(s) of research:
- Police interviewing
- Hostage negotiation
- Analysis of live encounters
- Research-based training for interviewing and hostage negotiation
Link(s) to research relevant to policing/public safety: TED talk
Stokoe, E. (2014). The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM): A method for training communication skills as an alternative to simulated role-play. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 47 (3), 255-265. DOI: 10.1080/08351813.2014.925663.
Antaki, C., Richardson, E., Stokoe, E., & Willott, S. (2015). Can people with intellectual disabilities resist implications of fault when police question their allegations of sexual assault and rape? Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties, 53 (5), 346-357. DOI:10.1352/1934-9556-53.5.346
Antaki, C., Richardson, E., Stokoe, E., & Willott, S. (2015). Police interviews with vulnerable people alleging sexual assault: Probing inconsistency and questioning conduct. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 19, 328-350. DOI: 10.1111/josl.12124
Stokoe, E. (2009). “I’ve got a girlfriend”: Police officers doing ‘self-disclosure’ in their interrogations of suspects. Narrative Inquiry, 19 (1), 154-182. DOI: 10.1177/0957926509345072.
Stokoe, E. (2009). “For the benefit of the tape”: Formulating embodied conduct in designedly uni-modal recorded police-suspect interrogations. Journal of Pragmatics, 41 (10), 1887-1904. DOI:10.1016/j.pragma.2008.09.015
Antaki, C., Richardson, E., Stokoe, E., & Willott, S. (2015). Dealing with the distress of people with intellectual disabilities reporting sexual assault and rape. Discourse Studies, 17 (4), 415-432. DOI: 10.1177/1461445615578962
Stokoe, E., & Edwards, D. (2008). “Did you have permission to smash your neighbour’s door?” Silly questions and their answers in police-suspect interrogations. Discourse Studies, 10 (1), 89-111. DOI: 10.1177/1461445607085592.
Stokoe, E., & Edwards, D. (2007). “Black this, black that”: Racial insults and reported speech in neighbour complaints and police interrogations. Discourse & Society, 18 (3), 337-372. DOI: 10.1177/0957926507075477.
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